Thursday, September 21, 2006

Data Migration Plan # 2

We have used LSMW to upload GL Master, this goes little bit tough as we have to thoroughly check any data redundancy in the input file containing hundreds of acccounts in various company codes.
Here GL master contains no balances, so AP and AR master datacan be loaded. Once AP and AR Master are uploaded we need to deactivate the indicators like Recon Account,Post automatically only, Recon Account ready for input,Posting without tax allowed in GL account master data for the purpose of loading GL Balances as recon accounts do not permit direct postings. The GL balances are uploaded using a conversion and upload program. After upload check the GL account and its balances in FS03. After this to find out the recon a/cs with balance we will try to reset recon account indicator thru LSMW which displays an error log as " GL account has balances changes are not permitted". Using this report GL accounts(recon accounts) balances are credited to a Data Migration clearing account to nullify the GL account because the recon accountsmust be tied to their respective AP, AR accounts for which the GL accounts must be zero. Then the indicators are reset again I mean the Recon account, post automatically only etc are activated. Then we post the open items for invoice etc crediting the Customer account manually.
Example: GL account 310001 is recon a/c with credit balance of $1000. This GL account is reversed manually with the following entry
Dr 310001(Trade Payables Control) $1000
Cr 599999(Data Migration Clearing account) $1000

This will nullify the balances in GL account. Now, the invoice open items are posted to AP, AR accounts manually with the below entry
Dr 599999 $1000
Cr 310001 $1000
(Recommended) Sequence of Steps in DATA MIGRATION
1) Load GL Accounts
2) Load Material Master- General and Plant Data
3) Load Cost Elements + Secondary Cost elements
4) Load Bank Master
5) Load Statistical Key figures
6) Load Profit Center + Profit Center Hierarchy
7) Load Cost Center + Cost Center Hierarchy
8) Load Vendor Master - General, Company Code and Purchasing data
9) Load Customer Master - General and Company Code
10) Load Internal Order
11) Load Asset Master including Transactions
12) Profit Center Plan data
13) Cost Center Plan data
14) Internal Order Plan data
15) GL Balances
16) Open AP and AR Items
Like wise Asset upload is a straighforward method. Create assets and load balances in one single upload using two files one for Asset master creation the other for Asset Balance transfer again using LSMW. Here we have seperate objects in LSMW forAssets with Internal generated number,externally assigned number, Assets in Prior yearand Assets in Current year. While loading Assets ther are some important things to becareful enough the asset classes, capitalization dates,posting dates,amounts. To carryasset upload for current year assets we need to perform a Asset Fiscal year change topost values in current year.After upload check the asset and balances in AS93.
Courtesy: Harika Barath, FICO Consultant

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Profit Center Determination

There is always a hard thinking on how Profit Center is determined when posting occurs (manual or back ground).

I am trying to summarize some of the ways the Profit center is determined in transactions.

The system always determines the profit center dynamically, from the originating document. For eg. Invoice Posting in FI to a Profit Center. If the Profit Center field is left empty, systems search for Profit Center in the following Order

Substitution in FI or CO
Account Assignment in the Document Line Item (PC derived from the Real Object assignements for eg. PC derived from Real Order)
The GL account is assigned in Additional Accounts (3KEH) for transfer to Profit Center Accounting

If Can’t find PC with from the above, it will post to Dummy PC. Also, if the posting is from Logical Process like Exchange Rate difference A/c, Small Differences A/c etc.., this will post to Dummy Profit Center

Another way, is when you post a good receipt for an Order, Profit Center is determined from the Material Master for Material/Plant combination.

If the PC assignment has been changed after the order date, but system will still takes the Original PC, as it determines from the PO on the PO Date

The below Objects can be assigned to Profit Center

Materials. From materials provide default values for Production order, Sales Order etc
Sales Order.. from Materials or entry in the Sales Order
Production .. from Materials or entry in the Sales Order
Process Order / Maintenance Order from the main Product
Cost Center from the Master
Internal Orders
Business Processes
Maintenance Orders
RE Objects
Profitability Seg. (Characteristics assignment)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

How to find all the Tables for a Field

I was doing some work on Special Purpose Ledger. I was searching for some tables to create a Ledger. Then I came across Data Structure, which has lots of fields from various tables. I wanted to know from which tables the fields are coming from. Usually the fields will be in stored in many tables. To know which are the tables used, go to SE84. Abap Dictionary>Fields>Table Fields and enter your field nameand then execute.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


There is a program available in SAP, to write the cheque number into the reference field or assignment fields of the payment document.

1.If you reprint Cheque and run the program, it will update the reference field.

2. If you renumber the cheque and run the program, it will update the reference field.

3. After manual creation of cheque info, if this program is run, it will update the reference field

4. If you void issued cheques, and run the program the reference field (where cheque number exists) will not be updated as void.

This program will only look for documents, which were not updated into reference field, and also the changed documents like Check Info

This prog can be accessed from SE38 or by FCHU